Filming Blogs
For our filming today we went to the vending machines to find out that it is out of service during school time. We went to the other vending machine by the auditorium to find it working but there were no sprite bottles, unlike the other ones that were out of service underneath the media center during school hours. We found a security guard that was going to close down that vending machine. We asked if they could open the other one for us to get the sprite but they refused. We also asked in the cafeteria but there were no Sprite sodas. We decided to buy another soda and film as backup but film again another day with the sprite bottle. I had an idea of either staying after school or before school but because Naturelle rides the bus we had to find an alternative, I suggested that I buy the sprite after school. With the other soda, we filmed our scenes. First, we started with me grabbing the bottle and taking a sip while stepping forward with the lines of "for a r...