Intro Blog

 Hello, I am Nurdlie Luberice! My hobbies are mainly dancing, drawing, watching documentaries and I recently started playing the flute. I enjoy watching crime and research documentaries the most. I joined the band at the beginning of this school year, 2021-22. I am a beginner in a flute! I joined Media Studies because I wanted to take my own self-portraits but it was personally difficult to learn about photography online: the cost and the pace. I wanted to make my own self-portrait as a hobby to get comfortable with cameras. In the summer I wanted to buy a camera but I did not know how to use a camera. Plus the world was on quarantine there were limited places open to experiment with.
When I found out my school offers media studies I instantly wanted to take the course. It was a relief because I get to participate in projects with other students. There is a teacher to guide me unlike if I were to teach myself online personally. I hope to have a good time learning in media studies!


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