Storyboard Blog

 Scene 1-  Actress #1 Grab Sprite can from the vending machine. over the shoulder angle, tilt shot is performed to Sprite being grabbed. 

Scene 2- Zoom/close up to emphasize product. Crack open, take a sip of soda, and zoom out to a medium shot. 

Scene 3- Actress #1 Walks towards camera (medium shot) while holding Sprite can, and say "for a refreshing day..." then a transition to actress #2

Scene 4- Actress
#2 Stand from table walks towards the camera while drinking from Sprite can. Walk toward camera, says "it is always important to choose enjoyable soda."

Scene 5- Both actresses meets up, continue walking ,bump cans together, take a sip, then say "Sprite is what we choose" (high range) 

Scene 6-  Blur with people in the background to showing Logo. "SPRITE". #freedom of thirst


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