Production blog: talking it out

  My partner and I decided to call each other. In the call we briefly talked about the film more. Although, we did not physically meet up to film. We thought that this will give us more productivity. Mainly because we have been busy personally. We decided to slightly edit. We did this by going through each scene we filmed. Because we had to film many times. I looked at each scene we filmed. Then we decided which ones to keep. In my decision I considered the lighting, smoothness of the camera movements. For some scenes we have decided to reshoot them as they were not to our liking. Next time we both wish to be more prepared, but as always other factors play into our schedules. For example, we were rushed therefore we had no time to pick all of ours props. But as for now we placed the some of the scenes we liked into the film to develop. Hoping that we could get more and more scenes done. I made a joke pertaining to the blanks left for 2 minutes serves as our reminder. overall the call was very much needed. we hope to shoot the rest in the remaining days. And hopefully we do not get erupted by the weather next time. 


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