Genre research: Don't Breathe 2

 Genre research (Don't Breathe 2)

Camera Angles (CAMS) -  There were a lot of low angles, tracking shots, wide shots, over-the-shoulder, middle close up, and extreme close-ups. Either to show fast chasing scenes, show intense emotions on a character's face, or show the character in their surrounding environment.

Mis-en-scene (CLAMPS) - The costumes are casual for the protagonist, except for the antagonist whose costume was to be a kidnapper. Since the lighting played a big role in this movie it was almost always in dark lighting. Characters emerge from the dark to the light just to make an attack and emerge back into the darkness, leaving the audience at the edge of their seat, anticipating another sudden move. The movie is supposed to be emotion-filled and the actors played their roles amazingly, it almost felt real. The props were mostly weapons or things in the environment that the character could use to hide. The setting took place in an old house which was a special place for characters emotionally, and a place of action whenever the antagonists attacked.

Editing - fade in and fade out to move from dramatic to emotional scenes, or closeout scenes 

Sound - A lot of silent moments, eerie slow music, and loud movements to create tension or add jumpscares

Elements of the movie that we liked - We liked that the lighting of the movie was the main focus, it's different from other movies and made it stand out a bit more. We also liked that the sound was manipulated in many ways to create fear in the audience. 

Elements of the movie that we disliked - We didnt like that the movie was always in a constant fast-paced. It felt like there was always a chase scene which sometimes made us feel bored.


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