Our pitch

 Pitch 1: A girl is running the track at a park and then she senses someone following her. She dismisses the odd feeling and continues running just to be chased by someone and killed.

 We chose this film because we have the access to the setting of this idea. The actresses that could play the characters. And we will be able to use different angles and shots to convey the suspense in the audience. 

Pitch 2: A girl has a mental illness and she is really paranoid from everything around her. She takes several different medications to calm her anxiety and she carries about her day by doing the same very detailed everyday routine.

We are not interested in making this film because we couldn’t think of a place besides our homes that was not crowded and noisy. We couldn't think of a place that has good lighting inside with a homey background, and we also didn’t want the wrong message to come across the audience in the film.

The pitch chosen for the final task is pitch 1 because it fits into our ideal locations and the setting is consistent for the type of film we will be making.


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