Genre Research blog: Thriller


  • CAMS: high level angle- to give the effect of something or someone is being looked down upon. Close ups- show emotions conveying fear 

  • CLAMPS: dull customs, distressed environment and weapons, low lighting creating a gloom, isolated place such as alleyways.

  • Editing: jump cuts and cross cutting, to build suspense

  • Sound: silent moments to build suspense, erie slow music and exaggerated diegetic sound like objects breaking to create tension

  • Film examples: Old, Ma, Parasite, Split and a quiet place

  • Liked elements: elements of thriller my group likes is the tension and suspense created in the close up angles and diegetic sounds because this can be done with what we have available.

  • Disliked elements: the setting is one of my group unlike elements because the setting will be hard to film and also finding an alley in our area will be challenging.


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