Title Design Research (horror): antebellum

1. how many titles are displayed during the opening sequence of the film? which ones?

Quotes, productions, Directors, actors, casting, music supervisor, music, costume design, Film editor, production design, executive directors titles were seen in the opening sequence of the Film in total around 35.

2. what connotations do the image carry? (how do they make you feel)

In the beginning, it showed a bright day with a girl wearing bright clothes in front of a white house  picking flowers then gradually start going to dark to show dark small houses with people wearing  Dark clothes doing labor. This could signify that there's always hard work in shadows. 

3. how is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (can you tell what genre the film is)

the women being carried by a horse while laying down and the black man Being held by the troops while there's a woman crying, these emotions are dramatic which is often seen In horror films

4. what conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The music used in the background creates suspense and tension as its only tense instruments with no lyrics  the dramatic and tense atmosphere is perfect for the audience that loves the thrill of horror movies


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