Title Design Research (Horror): Underwater

 1. how many titles are displayed during the opening sequence of the film? which ones?

Twenty-one titles were displayed during the opening scene which included the name of the director actors, producers, and the editors on each title.

2. what connotations do the image carry? (how do they make you feel)

The images connoted that there is some sort of discovery underwater and it creates an uneasy mood

3. how is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (can you tell what genre the film is)

The images show a glimpse of some sort of creature, show the outline of trenches and new technology and show the dept of the ocean. this evokes suspenseful feelings, as well as anxiety and fear. These feelings are also portrayed in other horror films, which makes the audience know that this film is also a horror film

4. what conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The targeted audience like sci-fi and horror films, they want action and something that can make them feel nervous. All the mystery and glimpses of unknown creatures in the background are perfect for this type of audience. 


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