Planning Blog: Storyboard

 Scene 1: Establishing shot at park, there is a tilt showing the actress 1 stretching and getting ready to jog

Scene 2: Zoom into actress 1 and actress 2 call conversation

Scene 3: Split screen and close up while the actresses are speaking on call until they hangs up

Scene 4: Pan at the start of actress 1 jog

Scene 5: Long shot of actress 1 jogging towards the camera 

Scene 6: Actress 1 stops jogging, there is a wide shot, there is a zoom in and over the shoulder shot of actress 1 looking back.

Scene 7: POV shot of actress 1 looking for a stalker, does not see anyone, medium shot of empty park space 

Scene 8: Close up of stalker peeking behind tree

Scene 9: Shot reverse shot of stalker looking at actress 1 while she’s looking for him

Scene 10: Actress 1 continues to jog, hears footsteps, looks back, wide shot of actress 1 turning

Scene 11: Medium long shot of stalker running towards camera

Scene 12: Two shot of stalker running after actress 1

Scene 13: Close up, tracking shot, of actress 1 running and screaming 

Scene 14: Close up, track shot, of the stalker running after actress 1 

Scene 15: Wide shot actress 1 tripping and falling

Scene 16: high angle of actress 1 on the ground screaming

Scene 17: Low angle of stalker towering over actress 1 

Scene 18: High angle of the stalker’s shadow with weapon towering over actress 1 

Scene 19: Black screen, fades to crime scene theme title sequence. Shows the name of actors

Scene 20: Different crime scene pictures dissolving while there is a voiceover of actress 2. Shows the name of filming 

Scene 21: Continuation crime scene pictures dissolving into from one to another. Shows the name of directing and editing 


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